Museum quarter

For the first time in Krasnoyarsk will be a modern Museum and exhibition complex

«Museum quarter»

What is this?

  • the heart of the artistic life of Krasnoyarsk region;
  • exhibition space, able to take exposure from different parts of the earth;
  • space for major cultural events of the regional, national and international levels;
  • cultural and exhibition center of the State Russian Museum (St. Petersburg);
  • artists ' creative workshops;
  • venue for symposia;
  • modern library;
  • storage of Museum objects;
  • open museum's courtyards for a rest visitors;
  • the place of attraction for tourists;
  • research Museum center;
  • center for restoration and conservation of Museum objects;
  • center of examination of works of fine arts arts.

Where is located the "Museum quarter"?

In the heart of Krasnoyarsk!

The area from the Park with a monument to the children of the war to the intersection with Karl Marx street.

The modern Museum and exhibition complex is created on the basis of Association of objects of cultural heritage of Federal and regional values, built in the XIX and XX centuries representatives of the genus Hatalowich and is located at 20 Parizhskoy Сommuny and  22.


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