Vladimir Luzan took part in the 5th International Forum "Endowments 2021. More than money"


The 5th International Forum "Endowments 2021. More than money" took place from 19-23 April. This year's programme focused on the future of the endowment model: intentions of the sector, trends and conditions for the endowment development.

On 22 April the founder and chairman of the endowment fund of Krasnoyarsk Art Museum named after V. Surikov, Vladimir Luzan, took part in the discussion held within the framework of EndowFest by the invitation of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation about the use of tools and technologies for the endowment development.

Vladimir Luzan told about endowment as a communication tool: "Today there are three endowments in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, including ours. Initially we discussed the idea of creating an endowment as part of the project “Museum Area”, a large-scale museum complex. So we managed to hold several separate events and present our endowment at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum in 2019. We began to feature in the mass media, and the project became a part of an extensive programme timed to the 400th anniversary of  Krasnoyarsk. We ran a fundraising campaign, and as a result colleagues from other organisations began to approach us as experts in endowment creation. The endowment fund is one of the priority projects for our museum, and I have to thank everyone who helped this project to come to fruition.